
Unless Nighthawk becomes better than Batman, then you’re off your rocker. I like Nighthawk (and SS for that matter, despite the unsatisfying disposal of Supreme Power in Secret War) and this IS a great book but calling him better than Batman is a stretch. If you look at it that way, then one might use your EXACT

If we are going to nitpick like this, they ALL fall apart. GOTG was resolved by them HOLDING HANDS. Quicksilver wasn’t faster than a machine gun? And don’t get me started on the Black Widow/Hulk romance... C’mon.

Yeah, but I still think she can’t top how she went “rich boy” to Batman. Hehehe. CCH Pounder rocks!

As a longtime fan of this character, I’m sick of this joke. That lame Green Lantern gag was an insult to everything that STARMAN is about.