
I think the real question is, who does #2 work for?

The Lakers are in real trouble when Nick Young looks like the smart one.

people had plenty of chances to buy it while it was cheap. they have nothing to complain about.

What’s black, white and red all over and coming this fall for Xbox One and PlayStation 4? A double-pack of Limbo and Inside. Playdead’s pair of stark and beautiful indie platformers hit stores on September 12 for $29.99, courtesy of publisher 505 Games.

Now playing

Coming soon to iOS and Android, Assassin’s Creed: Rebellion looks to be Ubisoft and Behaviour Interactive’s take on Fallout Shelter. Build an HQ and use it to train Xbox avatar-looking assassins like Ezio and Aguilar before sending them out on “epic missions.” Interesting.

I’m going to go ahead and assume that these people have neither read nor seen a production of Julius Caesar. Spoiler Alert: “We should totally just stab Caesar!” was not Shakespeare’s message. You are confusing Shakespeare with Gretchen Weiners.

I don’t care what this is I want it.

If I’m going to drop 500 bucks on a console it’s going to be a brand new console and not an upgraded version of an already existing one.

This is what happens when you let your crew drink Romulan ale on duty. 

Hahaha better then a sit com