You should be hung for saying such a blasphemous thing!
You should be hung for saying such a blasphemous thing!
Earth 2?
That pose just secured a miniseries on TBN.
Of course the 1978 series should exist. Now, 1980...burn that shit in hell.
Greece's economy is so bad, it affects picture resolution.
Cylons landed on Earth and taught all A-Team villains how to shoot.
You wanted skirts, you got skirts!
This is a town that could build anything, create wormholes, time travel, build a space craft and travel to the reaches of the solar system.
Thank you for that!
Wheel of Fish?
"So by following your methodology here, these days its ok to drive one HUGE ASS van because gas is affordable, yet not efficient?"
He never lost it, he trolled.
Why not show us the video now that Demon Hunters got nerfed and the talents he had are broken?
Or all of them at once.
Best Fringe opening.
Police Squad, hands down.
I really wanted to do Martin Van Buren, Steampunk Martian Hunter.
Sure, it's slightly cheesy and the graphics even worse, but Dinobot's sacrifice in Beast Wars could have made the list.
Transformers 2 killed Prime, but brought him back.