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Station wagons are better than SUV’s.
Cars 2, do we really need more Larry the Cable Guy?
I mean a cyborg land whale sounds freakin awesome though.
Avalon’s dead. The moose at the entrance should have told you.
I’m pretty sure you get a STAR!
All of these shows are bad, but you want to know what else is really bad? JALOPNIK on any mobile platform ever since you money grubbing bastards started cramming a million pop up ads in with your slideshows. Even with lightning fast WiFi and a new iPhone, damned Jalopnik is crashing my phone like Dale Earnhardt (not…
If a barbed-wire tattoo on a flabby white bicep were a TV show, this is what it would look like.
If a barbed-wire tattoo on a flabby white bicep were a TV show...
Yep. There are many times in Street Outlaws where you can see flashing blue lights in the background of interviews/races, from where the cops are blocking off streets for the filming. I’ve watched way too much of this show as a guilty pleasure... but yeah, it’s really bad, like can’t look away bad.