reverberocket is nipping the apex..and gently blowing in it's ear.

Oh my gosh - you’re right!
What the fuck was I thinking!
I mean, that Celica looks more like a Hummer H2 than it does this Gallic masterpiece.
I am so glad you took some of your precious time to point out my douchenozzleness.
I am forever in your debt.

*Read this...heads to FB Marketplace, looking for late ‘90 Celicas...*

Honestly, I’d rather have the equally mundane, but ever so much more venerable 3.8 V6 with a slushbox in this.

Now playing

I can’t help but love small-displacement multicylinder engines...

Seat belts mounted on the doors - deal breaker, not at any price CP.

But NASCAR nostalgia points...

Do I throw away the Declaration of Independence because Jefferson, Washington et all were slaveholders?


This orange and brown, 70's basement-theme works better on the interior than the exterior...

How much did the Slavic Czechs hate the Germanic Sudeten Czechs?
At the end of WWII, there was an ugly ethnic cleanse, while the “good guy “ allies looked the other way...

Have you ever rented a Versa?

...Truly, who was this for?...

Just an observation; 30/50/60/90 is very Volvo-y.


In the Navy, they’re called aviators, to distinguish them from ship pilots.
Just sayin’.

  • No one, though, could discern any difference in taste between Heinz’s conventional and organic variety. We all tried really hard, and not one person could tell one from the other. I suppose with organic you’re paying for the feel-good sentiments.

Where was this 5 years ago?

It may not have a pop-up headlight, but how about a 2000 Honda Elite 80 scooter with ONLY 5 MILES.

Peugeot 505 Dangel says “Hi!”.