
That’s a great question, and actually inspired me to google it. While Microsoft owns windows and directx, they do not make money from game publishers for either, as there is no licensing fee for using DirectX. In the PC space, the storefront is the money maker. These days, that would be Steam, Epic, GOG, EA Origin,

If you’re willing to dig, Again!!, by Mitsurou Kubo, goes in the same dresser drawer as this one. Not saying they’re identical, or necessarily similar, but I read Again!! after watching Yuri!! On Ice, and can definitely see Kubo’s charm all over it. She has the excellent way of making loveable characters in absurd

Nattie Ice? that was my teenage go-to decades ago.  Go awful stuff.

Dinkum has been my main go-to, but I peppered in the backlog of RPGs and such.  I got five hours on it before Fallout: New Vegas demanded a recharge, which is pretty damned impressive.  Similar battery life for a LOT of games from the late aughts and early teens. Love it!

Now playing

Since it’s cut up and repurposed, here’s the original:

Just ran my Google Takeout download today. over 50GBs of whatever the fuck they keep on me alone - and only 500mb of that is youtube uploads. To use a computer or connect to the internet nowadays is a to leave a fingerprint - every time. Wooo...

Sounds like those single-use board games, but for the digital age.

After multiple surgeries this year, do the nuts still have to bein the sack to qualify? Also, be proactive about lumps in your sack, my dudes.

Autoplay’s a browser setting. In Chrome mobile, you’ll need to find the experimental features to disable (don’t recall the directions, but a quick google should help). For desktop, ad block plus will halt the auto playback, but it may also be a browser setting there. I use ABP on Firefox and Chrome, and don’t get the

oh, absolutely! was just pointing out the filter in use, as it makes this game appear similar. No less different than using a yellowed lens for ‘desert shots’ in something like Stranger Things, but still, interesting to have a peak behind the curtain.

Now playing

Saw this on here the other day. Imagine my disappointment to realize the pixels are all just a filter.

the cut is odd, but it seems to be the same tone sidewalk as the non-brick walk from the beginning.  Likely a few seconds/minutes edited out.

to boot, most health insurances should at least partially cover if there’s a family history.

I have cannot speak to Takota’s scenario, but from a personal experience in my life, this reads more like Takota’s parents are upset their child isn’t doing what the family wants them to do. If the order is approved, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the parents pushing for conservatorship, partly to pull the child back

holy shit it’s like you read the whole article. wild. /s


hey hey! I did give it a go. it does do the thing, but in the most rudimentary, cumbersome method possible (note: for my play style. i’m sure others with FAR more patience can make it work for their play style).

Another to add to that list, for couch and handheld gamers like myself:

don’t feed the Troll (account), superlativedegreeofcomparisononly. Most of their post history is gibberish seemingly used to instigate and get out of the greys.

while I have the computer for it, I’m not a WASD+mouse guy. I work at my computer, and have an HDMI-over-ethernet adapter (and USB-over-ethernet) run from my office to the entertainment center in the living room. So, I can sit on my ass with a controller and play games the way i have for over 35 years, whether it be