thoughts and prayers for the bridge.
thoughts and prayers for the bridge.
After several bad experiences sharing my medical marijuana (MMJ) history, seems like this might be the right post for sharing.
is it not a thing anymore where if something just isn’t to your liking you just... don’t say a fucking thing and move on to something that is?
I always say, if you’re watching a fast and furious movie for the plot, you’re watching the wrong movie. These are stupid, fun movies. There were thousands before, and there will be millions more made just to be ‘fun’ and nothing else.
You’ll have a blast coming back. Small suggestion: start a new game. so much has changed, I decided to start from scratch when I picked it up again last summer (last touched around launch). Soooooooo glad i did.
i have no clue what you’re talking about, but you are doing it with such vehemence that I assume it’s important.
been saying it since his second year as a District 6 state rep:
oh dang! Checking the map for his whereabouts, and realizing i passed that a LOT back in the beginning and heard _something_ there. Couldn’t figure out what, so I kept on going. Time to go back!
New to the series, so i’m not certain what a STR INT DEX build is classified as, but that’s me. This is a ... fine weapon, but I find myself favoring the Carian Regal Scepter paired with the Carian Slicer spell, when i need melee. The katana is fine, but is slooooooooow.
Not arguing that the opening was more awkward than heartfelt, but that’s coming from a place of an American that keeps track of current global events. That’s not common, and even less so over here to absorb news from all sources and sides. While it may be stilted, this was the first time some Americans had an…
It’s a dang shame Kane Pixels is knee-deep in Backrooms lore, as I’d love to see a one shot of this one...
UPDATE: install folder (GOG) went from 102GB to 64GB. helluvan update...
Yeah, i can understand that size for consoles (as the new standard has been to push down fully updated builds of the game, rather than just update the base package), but for PC, that’s pretty intense. Installing now to see if they’re trying the same approach on there...
some heavy r/hobbydrama here.
i mean, the skin would still be on a living person, which is saying quite a favorable lot.
I had that problem a LOT until I bypassed my VPN through its split tunnel for Halo. If you’re in the states, give that a try, or if international, time for a VPN with a U.S.A ip?
I got that Pumpkin Spice-looking skin from the Winter Contingency event, and being a fan of all things orange, immediately put it on.
This guy gets it.
My wife frequently reminds me that despite our miniscule age gap, I am somehow a millennial while she’s the last of gen x (which is technically correct, sure, but I’d argue Xennial) because I understand/kept up with this stuff and she does/did not. Still madly in love with her after twenty-some years, so...