
I support Bernie and those people annoy me too, they give the rest of us a bad name. Fwiw I’ll be happy to cast a vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination, it’d be great to see a woman in office.

Yes, I know. You’re voting for Bernie. Clinton is the establishment candidate. She takes money from corporations. He’s a man of the people. #feelthebern #notvotingforhillary #goingtostatetheaboveeverytimehernameisevermentionedanywhere

I’m reminded of the joke where a guy’s on a roof praying for God to save him, boats come, he refuses because he’s waiting for God. He dies, asks God why the fuck he didn’t rescue him, God says he sent boats.

Hey, Crystal. Lingerie stores do free bra fittings so you can make sure the band is large enough. You should check that out.

Then, he stabbed his would be baby-mugger on the way home from the hospital, before befriending him and asking him to be his godfather. (Allegedly.)

Ben Carson delivered himself as a baby. He even snipped his own umbilical cord. Fact.

When my cousin from California came to stay with us a couple summers ago, he told me to always repeat this comment to myself on internet news articles: never read the comments, never read the comments, they will just drive you crazy so never read the comments. This is the only news place I read and post comments on.

Miracle Whip

It’s okay.

Where white people meet? Isn’t that just church, Walmart and the gun range?

“I like mayonnaise.”

“Because who cares about MY problems, really?

Yours *detaches*?

Don’t worry, Rocco, just wait until you’re 24 and you can lie in bed on a Sunday morning, eating three different types of cake for breakfast and resenting the fucked up relationship with food you have as a result of your mother’s crazy diet restrictions. Or something.

I have a very long commute. I’ve been doing it for 15 years. You’ll need to watch weight gain, falling asleep at the wheel, and the terribleness of other drivers. On the other hand, driving and music are the best combination! My theory is that without the internal combustion engine, awesome music would not exist.

I think you need to have the ‘talk’ with Us weekly.

I don’t have a thing interesting to say at the moment, but my less important New Years resolution is to become ungrayed. I’ve been gray since Kinja became a thing...anyone want to help? :)

Anyone want to share their NYE pics? Whether you stayed in or partied it up hard? I stayed in with my little fluffballs, but it didn’t mean I didn’t still get dressed up and fancy like!

I went for a walk on the beach this morning, let’s see how long I can keep that up.