
McGinty sat there and fucking blamed the entire thing on Tamir and excused his police force for every one of their crimes. Fuck him, fuck the Cleveland DAs, fuck the Cleveland cops who haven’t spoken out on this, and fuck the Justice Department for not arresting the murderer themselves by now.

He was probably using that newfangled social media ap: Splatchat.

Speaking from the rural Deep South: Southerners do NOT eat lamb. You can’t even find it in the grocery stores down here.

Um, do you even know me?

So we all agree that he went out and had a copy made, right?

“Or considerably less, if it’s in any shade other than snow white.”

Today we bought a grown up person bed!!! King size! Fancy mattress and an actual platform and headboard!!! No more bed rolling away from the wall when I’m sat up to read! Merry Christmas to me! Note to everyone - don’t take small children when you are mattress shopping.

More than I. I had to look up FTW. I thought it was "What the Fu*%?" backwards or something.

Or when we’re going to stop these killers from entering the country.

This. Their rhetoric has been babies are literally murdered and sold for parts by planned parenthood. They claim it as fact and have doctored and manipulated footage to try and convince people of it.

Still waiting on the news to discuss when and how he was radicalized...

This guy is as mentally competent as any other cold-blooded killer. He was handed a combination of fear, hate, blame, and the means to turn it all into violence.

It’s when you become aware that you DIDN’T ASK TO BE BORN.

Are we ruling out the possibility that he’s secretly sworn to the Dallas Cowboys, though?

That’s one good thing about having gastroparesis: I can eat all of the cheese I want and not gain weight.

I lost 30 pounds in 7 days just by working at the home with the Internet! You can too- just follow this link:

Or Pirates of The Caribbean. “Yo ho, Yo ho. The pirate’s life for me”. And that ride has weaponry (cutlasses and muskets).

There’s a joke to be made about people at Sea World getting tortured in a small glass enclosure, an environment they are not suited to be in, and needing to be released back into the wild, but it’s Monday and I’m tired.

At least it wasn’t “It’s a Small World.” Cause that song would have resulted in horror movie levels of carnage among trapped passengers.

The namers of Neveahs need to go to lleh. It’s not even spelled right.