That's too bad about XIII-2's soundtrack. Because I really, really liked XIII's OST.
That's too bad about XIII-2's soundtrack. Because I really, really liked XIII's OST.
I wasn't bashing him, I was bashing dubstep. Maybe you should read up on reading comprehension before you attempt to attempt things.
I don't know who the guy is, I just skimmed the comments and people were bitching about dubstep. So I assumed.
Personally? Since we're going by the standards of Uncharted 2 which swept everything last year for no good reason, I'd say To the Moon should win GOTY. It's literally just an interactive story with great music and some light puzzles. But the story shits all over anything Naughty Dog ever penned, or any other major…
Dubstep would have to classify as music for your comment to make any sense in this context.
Well, other than MGS, I'd actually tend to agree with you on those games.
Know what else is getting old? People getting all worked up over Uncharted. It's not that special.
Whoa whoa whoa. Witcher 2 had incredible graphics.
Yes. Don't come into a game, fuck it up for everyone, and then leave.
Really, so your Arkham City didn't constantly crash to desktop, release 2 months late with code that had been compiled at the same time as the console versions, and have broken DX11 support despite that being the ostensible reason for the delay?
He already has. I'm right there with you on MGRising though.
Of course I was alive. Didn't I already summarize the game for you as 'running forward and spinning into boxes'? And a crap ton of marketing doesn't a mascot make. If Crash was so important and groundbreaking, why didn't he even make the jump to the PS2, let alone the PS3?
Clearly you just enjoy the taste of developer testicles in your mouth, because all I'm reading in your comment is a bunch of ass kissing worship. I read your whole long ass comment and I have absolutely no counter-points to make. Not because your arguments have shut me down, but because you posted NOTHING BUT OPINIONS.
Well, you could make that argument, but I just played To the Moon and there's not much 'fun' to be had in that game, and I'd still list it in my top 10 games of the year.
Groundbreaking, you say?
Me too. And I still would play the sequels, because CAPCOM is making them. If some other company that currently has all the originality of an empty can of soup made a game that looked exactly like Megaman, called it Superduper Guy, and tried to sell it to me, I'd probably say NO THANKS I GOT MEGAMAN ALREADY.
Personally, and this is just me speaking, but I wouldn't be excited because I played that game 4 years ago, and the sequel too.
Yeah, I really wondered where they could go in the third game of Mass's not like the first two games talked about it constantly.
Oh look, they're ripping off Left 4 Dead, but that's okay because it's Naughty Dog and the media told all the PS3 owners that they shit gold.
Wow, that stream is all kinds of fucked up. Two audio streams? Wut.