Dubious at best, most of the capcom roster already had fighting games, even Megaman.
Dubious at best, most of the capcom roster already had fighting games, even Megaman.
And Dreamcast. And Xbox 360.
Was there another fighting game before Smash Bros that took a bunch of already well established characters from many different kinds of games and made them punch each other?
because we know that 95% of our consumers will pirate the game.
Hey Kotaku guys, I'm all for this Kickstarter initiative thing, but can you at least try to keep the China-quality bullshit games off of it? No one wants this stuff.
What the fuck were you doing participating in this insanity?
Wait, did Fox news really say that? I thought people were just making it up. Let me guess, they were trying to legitimize the UC Davis fiasco?
The Steve videos are fake. Just so you know.
What? Of course they can prove it. Do you have a Youtube account? If you go to your video information page, you can easily see a breakdown of where people are coming from to see your videos. Almost every website in existence asks your browser what site you were viewing before you viewed theirs. It's common.
You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you!
Like 90% of the DRM PC games have these days. Yes. That's the point.
If you'd told steam to go into offline mode, you'd have been able to play it.
Selective quoting doesn't help your argument, because right after that he says that the traffic they receive coming from torrent and pirate sites buys more games than anyone else does.
Uh, yeah. That's what the GOG guy said in the article. If you offer a good deal, people will pay for your games, even if they can go pirate them easily.
I bought Arkham City off Green Man Gaming during one of their sales, not knowing it was one of the games where the code they gave me couldn't be activated on Steam. After fucking about with their AWFUL downloader, decrypting and installing the game for over an hour (totally serious, it had to decrypt it, copy all the…
I don't think 9 indie releases came out on Steam in the last 3 days. Maybe the Kickstarter thing is a new initiative they're running. Even if it's not, it's not like Brian Crecente came to your house, punched you in the face, and stole your wallet to give all your money to these guys.
Kotaku showcases Steam releases all the time, are you insane? I heard about Reccetear AND Dungeon Defenders on Kotaku, and there's been a ton of other posts. Don't be an ass.
It bugs me when people talk about Minecraft and try to say the graphics are bad. They could easily do all that with HD textures, but the fact of the matter is that for the game to work, it has to be made of huge, distinct blocks. Since the terrain and features have to be blocky, the rest of the graphics are made to…
While impressive, I know how much photoshopping goes into the professionally released cosplay photo suites, so I'm not exactly blown away. If this had been snapped on a camera phone at a public place, then I'd be more impressed.
The 3DS could easily match Dissidia's graphics, though. Why on earth do you think they'd ape the FF4DS style? It was serviceable and it matched the original graphics, but I feel that FF6 had enough personality in the sprites to make it worth their time to go beyond that.