They're not doing a remake of 7, though.
They're not doing a remake of 7, though.
I dunno if the hint stone works the same as the Mario games with the Super Guide, but in those games, if you used the Super Guide, it was impossible to 100% the game, or it marked it on the save file, etc. So, don't use the hint stone. You still have personal pride, right?
Why do you have to buy all the games at once? Just buy the ones you need to play right away and save the rest for later.
So don't use the hint stone?
lol, ok. I'd say have fun missing out on great games because you want to run with the cool kids who hate things irrationally pack, but that'd be both unintuitive AND way too long.
Have you even played Skyward Sword? I hate motion controls as much as the next guy, but they're put to good use here. It'd be literally impossible to have this game without motion controls, and that's fine, because it's fun to actually sneak your sword past the enemies guard in real time.
My other character is an Argonian, but I didn't post him.
I got featured :D
Or you could make hide bracers which do it just as fast, and cheaper.
Really, I had the exact opposite experience when I was in Japan. UFO catchers worldwide have weak arms, but in Japan they actually position the prizes in such a way that you can win without actually picking them up, either by nudging them off a shelf, or hooking the tag with one of the pincers, or something like that.…
Wow, that's....even dumber than what I sarcastically said. *backs away slowly*
You said 'I downloaded' not 'I bought'. And only crazy people buy a game they're only going to play for 3 hours, which IMO is barely enough time to make a character and get out of the tutorial.
Arelin, sneakiest Khajit this side of Elsweyr. Can put an arrow in a knot from 100 paces and go toe to claw using a sword and board with the best of them, then buy you lunch with your own money afterward. Never healed quite right after tangling with one of the many sabre cats running around the world.
So, fun = 'non-gamer'? OIC! Man, it sucks not being a gamer anymore.
Shocking, a game you paid nothing for had no value to you.
It was a jab because you said 'atheistic' instead of 'aesthetic'.
I found it for ya.
Actually, last time they bosted a Skullgirls article, there WAS a comment that was talking about how the people that made it were clearly creepy pedophiles. Click the tag and look for it.
That embarrassing moment when your correction of someone's typo is also misspelled.