
You didn't do a very good job as presenting yourself as an understanding and tolerable person in your comment, you know. You came across as a know it all asshole, which is exactly what the TC is complaining about. 'Know your surroundings', what a dick thing to say. Like people from out of the city can really

He never sounded Russian. I thought the same thing at first when I heard his...weird, high voice, but if you go back and watch the No Russian opening from MW2 he sounds about the same. I think he didn't actually grow up in Russia.

If you're into stealing, there's a perk in the pickpocket tree for an extra 100 pounds or stones or weebles or whatever they call their weight measurement in that world.

So you admit that you haven't even played Skyrim and have no idea what you're talking about. 'Unless they completely...'

Of course I made a Kahjjit (I think I got the H in the right spot). Not only are walking cats the clear superior race, but since sneak attacks are how you win at life in these games, it's a natural fit.

Last news I heard about the actual name was that it was going to be called the 'Loop', which is far, far dumber than the 720.

You don't find the fact that the equivalent to a reasonably large city is still playing a game during the week after a major release in the series to be a good indicator of its enduring popularity?

Runeys ruined Frontier for me, also the fact that if you want to get any real farming done, most of your RP are gone and then you can't do much in the dungeons.

I've noticed that too, especially on the favorite menu. Luckily 'E' counts as 'Return' so you can just WASD and E around the menus, but it's still kind of annoying.

Except the combat in DI is tight and enemies respond when you hit them. From what I've seen so far, unless you get one of the random kill attacks, enemies either don't respond at all or flinch SLIGHTLY as you swing a big sword into their faces.

I dunno about the latter two, but I've sold loot from a locked chest.

I've been holding on to my launch day Wii for a long time, graphical glitches and all. Dust joke, etc, but honestly I've been playing it a lot lately, that new Rune Factory is a decent game.

If that's the case than what's the point of the UMD Registration App? Why not just offer the damn games to everyone at those prices since they can pass the UMD around anyway? This scheme is bullshit and your supposed logic is also bullshit.

So their solution is to have you go through a bunch of rigmarole and then buy the games again? Lol no, I'll just keep my PSP.

I saw that thread a few days ago. It's not 'playboy bunny' Riven they want so much as 'Riven with bunny ears'.

Well, there goes Kotaku failing me again.

I hate everyone that DID play Chromehounds and exploited party chat so they could get another heavy gunner instead of a command mech.

Scroll down in any of the MW3 related posts and look.

Very true, but the sky isn't exactly falling here. I changed my Steam password and made sure I had Steam Guard active, but it's not a big deal.

I play Call of Duty every once in a while. I don't like, scream for it and then faint when it looks at me and winks, but they're mildly entertaining games.