
You're right, because the Wii (and this is going to sound weird) has higher fidelity graphics and better sound, so I expect to pay more for it. People talk about handhelds becoming less relevant nowadays, and this is why. If I'm being asked to pay console game price, I want my game on a fucking console.

How so? Do you have any idea what they're paying for whatever the 'standard' size cartridges are now? Given that they're buying in bulk of tens of thousands, I'm positive that whatever the increase in size is for this RE game, it's not 10 dollars more.

Sorry, but no. You can buy 4 GB of flash memory for 10 bucks these days at radio shack. I see 2GB sticks at the impulse buy fishbowl at the market for like, 3 bucks. There's no way having a '4GB cartridge' should make it cost 10-20 more.

You are no officially part of the problem.

Well Capcom, you've apparently finished digging your own grave and have commenced lying down in it. Now you need to figure out a good way to get the dirt on top of you.

One of the best anime made in the last 10 years if you ask me. Beyond the disturbing violence and the juxtaposition of how cute Nyu and Nana were, there was a pretty good story about humans, morality, and the effects that a bad upbringing can have on an individual. The anime kind of fell apart at the end, but the

I bet 90% of the gear they're wearing is premium cash shop stuff that expires after a week or month.

I'm not trying to say I'm the standard. I'm trying to say that the game is fun when you're waiting for your food or something for about 3, 4 weeks, at which point it gets old. There's no possible way you wouldn't get bored of flinging birds at pigs after 10+ weeks of playing it. The game simply doesn't have lasting

You can 'master' Tetris. You can't master AB because the physics engine is fucked. You can make the same shot 5 times in a row and get a different outcome every time.

I am so fucking sick of seeing/hearing about Angry Birds. I played it for a while and it was decently fun...but now it's over and boring. Why is this shit still popular?

It's harmless, but it DOES require it or it's not as fun.

To be honest, in most of the GTA games the higher up mission givers do, by and large, treat the main character like shit anyway.

Overheat? Is it a full lockup or just the game?

I like Waste Lands a lot as well, but I think the self contained story in Wizard and Glass, as well as how well it was told, really did a lot for it.

I guess that depends on how they write it. Dialogue doesn't take nearly as long to go through in a movie as it does in a book, after all. When your medium is visual it doesn't take nearly as long to get all the detail out there.

No reason it can't go as 1 hours episodes as long as they make enough of them. Cliffhangers never killed anyone (except Robert Jordan). OHH TOO SOON!?

I dunno if he rushed them or realized his real mortality and just finished the fucking things, but Wolves of the Calla and Song of Susannah were not really that good. Unfortunately they're kind of required reading if you want to read the last book, which is at least as good as Waste Lands. But nowhere NEAR as good as

Not really. It's pretty much...actually I can't describe it. Try 'The Lord of the Rings' mixed with cowboys and The Twilight Zone?

Since only one of those pre-order bonuses has any real impact on the GAMEPLAY, I'd say it should be obvious which one to buy.