Yeah, the somebody who specifically wrote in his video edit 'To Kotaku from Revenge_of_Nekojin'. It's cool bro, live in denial land.
Yeah, the somebody who specifically wrote in his video edit 'To Kotaku from Revenge_of_Nekojin'. It's cool bro, live in denial land.
Maybe I did it just to mess with you. I'm sorry you weren't able to understand my sloppy sentence structure. And (YES I STARTED A SENTENCE WITH AND) FYI, my first sentence, with all my criticized commas, was, totally and completely, grammatically, correct.
Yep, I'm saving that picture. Thanks. And yes, I totally agree with how incredibly stupid the current review scale is. Why even have 1-10 if anything below an 8 is verboten by publishers?
Oh, I'm sorry, did all the punctuation make your eyes hurt? Try this easy sentence: Fuck you.
Keep dreaming buddy, kids are getting less literate, not more.
Huh, so that guy who scored it a (gasp) 8 out of 10 said basically the same thing I did a couple days ago in the infamous 'inarguably' post about UC2, and surprise surprise, where I, a lowly starred commenter, received quite a few flames claiming I must have never played the game (I played enough to know it wasn't my…
8/10 sounds like it delivered to me.
I also played most of the first one and if the shooting is more cover based bullshit then I'm not interested. It seemed mostly like a filler or padding between the more interesting climbing and jumping areas. I can't imagine that the shootouts, from what I've SEEN (and not played) have evolved much beyond what the…
Ohhh, now I remember who you are. You're the guy who claims I'm some kind of anti-Sony fanboy, and then when I challenged you to watch my live stream of me playing PS3 games, never answered back. Fly away now, troll.
I imagine you missed the part where right after it says 'Edited by' it gives a time that's actually before my post time, meaning I edited it immediately for 1) spelling errors and 2) to add in 'Demons Souls' after Arkham Asylum, since I forgot DS came out in 2009 as well.
Climbing up the wrecked train and the stealth area immediately after that.
Are you stupid? Or do you just not have good reading comprehension? It says right in my post that I 'played the first few areas' as well as the MP demo for UC2. If that's not playing the game, then what, exactly, constitutes playing it to you? Playing the whole thing? Why would I play through an entire game that I…
As I said in my post, I played UC2. It falls under the same label as UC1 for me.
onoes, Crecente done trolled me.
'Inarguably the best game of 2009'? Really? Because I didn't like Uncharted 1 and the MP demo for UC2, as well as the first couple of areas, really left a bad taste in my mouth.
No, people are having a fit because UC2 did not deserve those awards at the time, and we all knew it, and now here's Kotaku dredging all that bullshit up again.
Look at me, I can posit my opinions as facts and tell other people that they're wrong!
Try the Dark Souls boss fights. With a couple of exceptions, most of them are just bigger enemies that hit much harder. Some of them even become regular enemies later in the game.
Also you can hide behind a coffin all day and get max karma by shooting ghouls.
I played PnP SR since...Second Edition? That doesn't mean I couldn't enjoy the game. It was extremely fun for a team based CS clone, and very well balanced. Sure, it didn't really have much to do with Shadowrun besides the name and some superficial race choices, but that didn't make it a bad game.