
I like to imagine that all those little figures of the house sigils that every Lord has are actually made by the same guy and that he has carved out a nice living for himself and his family making tiny figurines.

I wouldn't file the Freys under "Common Folk". Gendry, The Onion knight, Littlefinger, Hip Bones are all commoners and are pretty savvy and just as ruthless as the lords and ladies. No, the Freys are straight up hillbillies, weird, isolated. I still get the creeps from the image of that decrepit old man in that filthy

"This summer action has a creamy center" Daniel Craig stars,in "Hot Pie" . Theme by Meghan Trainor

Counterpoint murdered his sensitive gay brother with a smoke baby. He's decent now because he's vulnerable but if/when he's in position of power he will revert back into being a dick.

Hey he did say chaos is a ladder

Wait what Ned Stark was essentially the main character of the first season, I dint anyone e,expected him to die

I think he's actually the least evil of all possibilties. Stannis murdered his own brother and would be a puppet to a witch. Dany has revived the Westeros version of the nuclear bomb and comes from a really messed up line, that's not even bringing up her terrible decision making. Little finger would be like Richard

oh you mean the character who locks up her dragons for being dragons, and who wants to personally solve everyone's problems even though her taking the iron throne will cause huge collateral damage

I like her but she's not even the best overweight minor character,Hot Pie forever

Fred armed in kinda gangs around the ucb and that guy counts for at least 9 different ethnicities

The wacky side character budget for this show was insane, if it went a fourth season they would be employing half of the white actots who ever studied at ucb

Dude, no

That's why I hate the backlash in recent years against American Beauty, it's so much of its time that you have to take the era it was made to into account when judging its merits.

Or the moon door from game of thrones and God is little finger

I see where your coming from but entitlements brah, we created this system were we need to keep growing In order to sustain social security and healthcare

Because they have 19 kids and we don't

Adult swim is preparing a very angry response to your post, it's gonna air at 4:50 in the morning and appear to be a infomercial for a Korean spa

The thing about the Ultron sketch was that I bet Scarlet Johnason doesn't really want to do a black widow movie. Think about it she has the perfect set up already, she gets the exposure and sweet comic book movie money and does the half the work freeing her to do stuff like "Under the Skin" look what happened to RDJ

That wasn't so much a movie as a half a billion dollar corporate synergy video,They might as well shown charts of Marvels stock performance in the middle of the film.

Shout out to the other 6 people who associate WIz Khalifas "We Dem Boyz" with The show selfie, starring the other hot redhead from the marvel universe, unfortunately even Karen Gillian's sexy dancing to rap songs couldn't save the show