

OMG do not let him in a nunnery! He can’t be alone with women. He can’t be with others, with women, either.

It’s gas she architected herself.

I adored Studio 60!! So disappointed it was cancelled after a single season.

Holy fuck. That old dirty shitstain is only going to spend 15 MINUTES at Yad Vashem.

There’s also the news that Trump canceled a scheduled visit to the historic site of Masada after he learned he couldn’t land his helicopter on it. There’s a cable car that can be taken up to the site, but Trump reportedly refused to take it. It’s a move that comes across petty as hell, but kind of makes sense if

She’s been holding out...

I am unable to decide if it’s a stomach ulcer or cognitive dissonance that makes her make that face.

dude her daddy is not happy with her right now, i seen a headline

In addition to this, I hope everyone remembers to write to their Representative and Senators (if they have them — sorry DC!) and share a similar message. This stuff really does help and Congress is the only body that has the authority to pass a clean Dream Act before time runs out.

We implore you, Ivanka and any other White “Dump” House ppl listening: puhlease get thy father to a rest home. or a nunnery. whatever. [sad! 4 nuns]

I miss that show.

When/if she’s asked about it, she’ll say she has no influence on policy or her daddy-hubby.

He wasn’t an a-hole in “Trophy Wife.” More befuddled by the goings on around him. RIP, poorly named and scheduled “Trophy Wife.”

No doubt. And why a Republican candidate would invoke the name of Democratic icon in the first place remains a mystery; the JFK reference would only ever serve to rile up the opposition, never to rouse Bush’s base.

Bradley Whitford is one of the good ones. In fact, he’d have voted for Obama for a third time if possible.

she just keeps looking beefier, lumpier, and more wonky-eyed with every passing week. 3 more years and shell be quasimoto.

Ah, Lloyd Benson. You might have been one of the least inspiring Vice Presidential candidates in one of the least inspiring Presidential campaigns in modern history but you left the Earth with one truly immortal burn.