
Ah, but the woes of a wealthy, middle aged, disillusioned man are another matter entirely. I thrill to hear it in the dulcet tones of the audio book version.

Exactly. If he really wants to make the character revolutionary, he should make the middle aged disillusioned man a college professor, then showed him having an affair with an attractive student of his.

My thoughts exactly. Such a brave, unique perspective the world has never seen.


I appreciate this breath of fresh air. The woes of middle aged disillusioned men are a frankly underexplored theme in literature and film. I look forward to what will doubtless be a unique insight into this marginalised perspective.

He’s the real life version of the Guy In Your MFA Twitter feed.

Every single thing about this is loathsome.

They should have just fed him shark fin melon, there’s no way he’d have known the difference.

He brought his own bald eagle custard, natch.

oh boy just read the comments on that article and I feel like I need to bathe in bleach now...


Weird times at FoxNews...

I think he saw “Rasmussen” and assumed it was Russian.

The latest figures include 28% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 45% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.

You would expect someone who still likes Trump to go beyond the large number on his tweet?

Oh Donny...that poll is NOT something you want people looking at....

Yeah, I’ll also take Ben’s proposal over Jim’s. And I love their vows:

Well yeah. At his worst, Ben makes stop-mo animation films, really complicated board games and town ruining ice rinks.