
A. Who cares how old this assault was.

Is less straight like being a little pregnant?

Less straight and more dead.

Zombie White Jesus approves of this daily undead ordeal.

FoxNews is the only news channel to offer gay vaccines. I’m guessing his booster ran out.

Well Will & Grace is back on tv so it was bound to happen.

Is Doug getting less straight as time goes on or.....?

I saw that and was like “ugh how tasteless.” But totally in character. Trump and his followers are such petty, angry little people.

We hardly knew ye continued....Healthcare, Tax Reform, Immigration Law, and how to speak in complete sentences.

I was in Disneyworld on inauguration day (a trip we planned after the election but before the Women’s March coalesced; we were sad to miss that).

I cannot IMAGINE the Obamas letting someone with a John McCain or Mitt Romney tombstone near the gate, let alone inviting them to a children’s Halloween party.

No! No photos of Obama on the floor holding a baby. I have to go into an office today and don’t want to break down in tears at this ridiculous meeting I’ve been called into. Although to be fair in this company everyone loathes Trump (except the owners, of course, who pinch every penny until it cries) and when I went

No. Go away with these photos. I’m even sadder now.

The photo of Obama holding a little one directly over his face - that seems ill-advised. I’m glad nothing came of it but it gives me the shivers. Especially with little ones they can be all giggly and stuff and then - projectile burp.

They’ve really schooled the Obamas re the Halloween thing...

Excellent, Slytherin thanks you! :)

100 points to your house. Well done.

T-Rex: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on the White House lawn. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.