
Not a good look from a PR perspective. But that part has been singled out where it is nothing special.

Flynn because I bet that guy would flip in a minute.

I think it has “Incompetent Godfather” all over it. I maintain that the Trump family & entourage is made up of 100% Freddos.

I do like the idea of Jared behind bars. That shit he did with his tenants is disgusting.

To paraphrase a guy in the HuffPo comments section, “I’ve been very very gay. I’ve been very very drunk. Neither has ever resulted in me making a move on a 14 year-old.”

This all would make a good Scorsese-esq film a couple years from now.

I posted on the main article, but I’m grey — but the conspiracy to launder money may be the most important here, ironically. As that opens to RICO for everything...

If one of the kids gets arrested then Trump will be forced to act.

I think it’s much more likely he will be encouraged to flip for a more lenient sentence, so we can get at some bigger, juicier, oranger fish.

Conspiracy against the United States. That sounds pretty serious. I almost want the president to pardon him just so that we can say the president just pardoned a friend of his who was literally charged with conspiracy against the United States. I think pardons are unlikely because there are probably State charges that

I’d like Mueller to go to Jared.

So. Bets on who’s next? Probably Flynn but I really want one of the children to go down.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It won’t be easy, or pretty - but here’s hoping it leads somewhere better than where we’re at.

Manafort is a slimy ass fuck who definitely belongs in jail - and I know this is most likely a pressure move from Mueller - but let me just say, if he is the only person who ends up doing time off this I am going to remain pissed off.

Kellyanne Conway dressed up as a Revolutionary clown, Seb Gorka wore his dad’s old Nazi uniform (and medals), and Roger Stone wore his best Gilded Age tycoon cosplay. Trump gave a Bannon-written speech that plagiarized from a Batman villain. We aren’t dealing with mental giants here.

He saw Kellyanne Conway’s insane inauguration day get-up and said, “Hold my beer!”

Wow, the dude basically dressed as a 20th century Railroad Tycoon? I thought it was a Halloween costume until I read the text under it.