
Melania Trump is rethinking her prenup and nda right about now, isn’t she?

Mike Pence probably won’t accidentally start a nuclear war with North Korea.

I don’t know how I feel about this. Excited that something might get done? Appalled that we have sunk to needing Larry Flynt? Worried that this might all blow up (literally and figuratively) in our faces?

Mattis has warned over and over that a war with North Korea would be “catastrophic.” Kelly said the other day that he thought the American people should be worried about North Korea. Tillerson appears hell bent on reaching a diplomatic solution, so much so that Trump has insulted him for it. And Pompeo is a smart guy

I also hope you’re right, and that if you are that none of them quit.

In a more normal world, I wouldn’t want Tillerson as head of any part of government. In this current reality, however, I believe Tillerson, Kelly, and Mattis (and probably Pomeo) are doing everything possible to ensure that we don’t go to war with North Korea. Meaning, I believe Corker is correct when he says that the

I can actually hear my liver audibly whimper when I unlock my front door. Sorry, little buddy, but we all have to do our part.

He has yet to hit Cobra Commander levels of outright, “BWAHAHAHA, I HAVE THE WEATHER DEVICE” villainy, so we’re not entirely through the looking glass yet.

...and even should we hit that point, there will be enough folks who grew up wishing that was real that the cognitive dissonance won’t hit them until it’s far too

I marvel at what kind of fucked-up world we live in where this man, this fucking cartoonish bad guy who would be hammy and over the top as antagonist in one of those crappy Disney direct-to-video live-action heaps of dreck, is like the 4th or 5th worst person in this fat old white man version of a professional

Oh, thank God: I was afraid that Woody Allen wasn’t going to put his five-cents in on this. It’s okay, everyone! Woody Allen has spoken!

I’m so relieved the perv that slept with his wife’s adopted daughter is here to help us all morally navigate the Weinstein scandal.

Wow, a “making it all about her” and a “not that I’m slut shaming, but I’m slut shaming” combo. Impressive, Mayim.

Ugh. A few tweaks and this could have been okay! Damn it, Mayim!

If I were a diva?

And Martha Plimpton spit fire in response:

Mayim Bialik had this terrible opinion:

I dunno. When Man on the Moon and the Larry Flynt movie were out a lot of critics showered major praise on her acting. I think there’s even an embarrassing quote from Roger Ebert that suggested the greatest legacy of grunge might turn out to be Love’s acting career.

Now, don’t be disgusting.