
Bobby, no pressure, but I’ve got November 4th in the pool we’re running on when you finally develop Stockholm Syndrome, so can you please keep it going until then? I’ll share my Halloween candy.

Megyn Kelly Colors, 9/25/17-10/11/17

He’s a Famous Man. He wanted to grab breasts. He can have what he wants because he’s a Man and Famous. The president said so.

I think sometimes its a power thing and some times its just because they want to, and can get away with doing so. These dudes are like toddlers who haven’t learned to control themselves.

It’s the same as cat calling, leering, invading our personal space - men do it to remind women that our bodies aren’t our own and that we are always being observed as sexual objects when we’re around them.

He doesn’t think of her as a fully formed human, she’s an object.

It’s right up there with “it’s snowing outside right now so climate change obviously isn’t real.”

I love your hatred for her. I can kind of only shake my head usually but the whole “she was asking for it” defense people espouse needs to fucking stop already. It took me a decade before I started to believe what happened to me was actually not my fault.

I can’t fathom why any man would think it ok to just reach out and grab some boobs. Is it supposed to be funny? A power play? No rational person could possibly think “Hey, if I grab her tits maybe she’ll fuck me”. So what is it, then?

“He’s never harmed me so he’s clearly never harmed anybody” ??????

Wendy Williams is a trifling ass trick whose own home in in disarray. The end.

Much like The Beastie Boys his lyrics may have evolved as he’s matured. Just because he spouted misogynist bullshit at 20 doesn’t make him one currently. (I honestly don’t know anything about the current content of his lyrics.) Full disclosure: I’m from Detroit where he places just behind Bob Seger as our most low key

My favorite part was about draining the swamp cuz he’s in quicksand. Eminem is a great freestyle rapper. He should make a movie about his mad skills. I know it’s an unpopular opinion as a feminist, but I gotta give him props because I do think he’s quite talented even though some of his lyrics are terribly offensive.

Well, she would know, wouldn’t she?

When I saw her quote I knew immediately that we are Fucked with a capital “F”.

I have no idea why, at this point, they won’t be more vocal. If anything, the loss of Luther Strange makes it obvious that Trump has no real control over the forces he unleashed. If you’re seen as an “establishment” Republican, it doesn’t matter how nice you are to Trump or how much interference you run for Trump.

I think it’s more or less that they know that people who go against the party won’t have the Adelson/Ricketts/Koch money to throw around if they do.

I’m disappointed - but in no way surprised -that no other Republicans are willing to go on record backing Corker on the obvious. FFS, he’s provided all the cover anyone would need, but noooo.... It’s party before country for all these fuckers.