
"I think its kind of insane" for anyone to wear something they don't find comfortable. "It really bothers me" that anyone would feel they have to do that. Having to wear a suit or something is equal to me to "you have to wear a fishbowl on your head" —-, No, that's not judgmental at ALL.

I really feel the need to point out here that chlamydia/STDs can most definitely be transmitted orally as well. Years ago, I had to work very hard to make a boyfriend understand that he was the one who kept on giving me a yeast infection, even though he really didn't have any symptoms himself. I sure hope nobody

OK then, you have every right to be happy with that. But don't judge everyone else for caring just because you don't. I truly don't mean to be condescending, I'm just really perplexed that something pretty much everyone does every day, which is put on outerwear in ways that go along with how we feel and enhance our

Sure, don't wear it, can't blame you. I've always felt it was a stupid and oppressive thing.

So you think people look the same no matter what they wear? I really, really feel sorry for you.

Mmmm. Belgians are my favorite!

Naw, just kidding. Nobody could possibly care that much about the quality of beer and also have a sizable vocabulary.

I hate mass produced beer aimed at the lowest common denominator. I have discriminating taste in what I eat and drink and can afford more expensive beers, but anyone can who values quality over quantity. I even invest in community owned breweries, thus supporting our local economy. I try to educate others about why

I suppose you believe allergies are psychosomatic too?

Oh, what gave me away? Was it the 500 words and multiple exclamation points? Damn, busted.

Yep those bikes sure are beaters, though they do the job! Love biking in Amsterdam but if you have a nice one, look out, they get stolen. Not that much crime otherwise but lots of trashed bikes around there.

Yeah right, if you don't like shit beer you're a beer snob. That's the real BS, made up by people who either have no taste or are embarrassed to admit they don't like to spend money on good beer. I know people who PBR but don't call the rest of us beer snobs, and we all get along. Me, I can't drink "lawnmower beers"