
That's a good point, but if you're the team, you want your best people there for every race.

brakes are a lot cheaper than trannies

Kubica brought a load of money to the team, so maybe don’t tick off the guy that brought you a sponsor.


Hulk said he had no intention of sticking around F1 if he wasn’t driving on Sunday.

Yeah anyone thinking a carbon tax is coming should look at who’s running the government right now.

People don’t hate SUVs per se, it’s more that the ALL SUVs, ALL THE TIME has led to automakers going “People want SUVs? Fine, forget cars!”

Sadly, an SUV is overkill for most people. A 5 seater car works for most people.

This seems like it could have been a one sentence article.

Was it tacky? Sure. But how much money have the people dragging Blueface and Tiffany donated?

Were those ever sold in America for the consumer market? No? That’s why.

Yay! More races for Canada!

No, your job is to ask us what cars we like and report on those and ONLY THOSE cars!

Ferrari have never given their customers the same engines as the factory team.

The plane in that video is Dale’s (take note of the call letters). As a huge Matthew Good fan and a Dale + Dale Jr fan, I always loved their bromance.

I’d be pissed too. Have you never gone on a trip to see something? Now imagine that whatever you were planning to go see was off limits because of a protest.

It suits, bad guys always drive a Jaaaaaaaaaaaaag.

If you can’t afford to be in Formula 1, you shouldn’t be in Formula 1. Last place results should get last place payout.

It’s not that hard when they have distinct colours.

I was at that race, and saw it happen pretty much in front of me (was sitting at the entrance to the hairpin). A lot of people thought that crash was fatal.