A beast of another nature, surely. Your point made there, but still doesn’t make that SUV a truck.
A beast of another nature, surely. Your point made there, but still doesn’t make that SUV a truck.
Doesn’t make it a truck, though. ;)
No no no, Bootstraps McGee over there is an ardent Republican. Taking public money for private gain would be heresy standard operating procedure.
Counts for an SUV, but when did “things with no bed” become “trucks”?
Those are so much pr0n shoes lol.
I have more problem with Suggs obviously ducking his head and diving at the knees. He could have just as easily hit him high.
Who is Troy Vincent again?
Time to follow the Rule of 24 - wait 24 hours before speculating.
The point being, none of this was like Sage was aiming for Justin with a nose cone, or that he was responsible for a faulty whatever.
Yeah, blame for a nose cone that hits someone like that is just stupid. The odds are astronomically against it hitting another driver on his head.
That’s not finger*paint* they’re throwing.
Chris Carter: “Did I just say that out loud?”
Came for this, was not disappointed.
So this is all about ethics in game journalism?
It’s all about ethics in game journalism.
“Sanders wasn’t really seen as all that serious a candidate until Black Lives Matter blew him up” - You need to get out more. And stop calling him a “fringe” candidate from the get-go. He’s a sitting U.S. Senator with a long career in public service and a platform that’s only “fringe” to neoliberal/conservative…