Watch out, there was a charter school defender in these threads last week who sounded like he/she had the Michelle Rhee talking points playbook bookmarked on his/her browser.
Watch out, there was a charter school defender in these threads last week who sounded like he/she had the Michelle Rhee talking points playbook bookmarked on his/her browser.
I really hope all these 10-year retrospectives don’t focus only on NO. A bunch of Mississippi got slammed as well, and there are other parishes where people’s lives got ruined. And screw her for typing out that glibertarian gibberish.
“Show me a video of Tom Brady or Drew Brees or Peyton Manning getting a concussion.”
Dan Fouts?
Wouldn’t that be something!
Ugh, that is so much more awfulness to an already awful story. :(
Kenny Stapler!
I see more IL state troopers doing tire duty. YMMV.
Maybe stop, the next time you see someone with a blown tire on the side of the road.
That’s a really hot take.
God Dilbert has been coasting for forever!
I really think we should adopt the European concept of a month’s vacation.
I think ISIS is doing a damned fine job of showing their own asses. Don’t need U.S. help.
Unfortunately, history is filled with them. These aren’t even the worst.
It’s all pretext to “Do whatever I want.” :/
“Plus who’d want chocolate eggs that come out of a urethra?”
Holy shit! Halloween already?!
Sometimes, I think the Chyron people are just fucking with us.
“The Navy’s first new class of aircraft carriers in almost 50 years has had its share of developmental issues with mission critical systems. Built under a damning concurrent procurement model, the ship’s catapults, radar, arresting gear and other critical systems remain mired in developmental chaos, even though the…
Wow!! That’s good Kinja.