
I think he’ll be better with time.

I was scared that Ballaban looked so much like Chuck C. Johnson. He (Ballaban) needs to groom the beard.

When is the season-ending Antarctica special?

I voted NP just because it’s been a week full of Crack Pipe, and I wanted to end the week on a high note. Sue me.

Put it in front of a doublewide trailer, with pink flamingos surrounding, just for shits and giggles.

Shutterstock is 90 percent oblivious to reality wrt pretty much any profession. But you don’t see sexy nurses in the operating room wearing underwear and no gloves. For that, you have to go to Pr0nhub.

Or they could do like “Dr. Who” and have a new doctor every few years. Put a tardis in the TG hangar - Boom!

That’s actually $1,581,394. I’m actually surprised they weren’t already paying them that much, considering the money-making machine TG was.

Maybe she Forget to put the leafs on it.

I’m assuming those 6-7 figures for concerts (7 figures!?!) includes all the equipment and crew as well. I know one time a few years back, the Goo Goo Dolls played a college I know of, and the expense was $70,000. I know they’re not John Legend at the top of his popularity, but that doesn’t all just go to the artist

a network of global contact centers.” “outsourcer.”

To sing one song? Nah. I’d spitball less than 50K plus expenses. If he had to actually attend the wedding and sit through the reception? 200K would be my charge, at least (I hate weddings).

The change from that wedding photo to when she “transitions” to “black” is just ... wow.

I generally like Tim Roth as an actor. Kinda bummed about hearing this, but whatever it takes to pay the bills, I guess.

Yes, but the Cavs also wouldn’t BE in the finals if not for LeBron. So the hypothetical wouldn’t even work there. MVP of the season? I’d say so.

“plagiarized paintings”? Wut? When did this come out. Links?

Austin Powers is hosting Top Gear! Yeah, baby!

Like the people who send money to the Nigerian princes - They need a Darwin Awards for computer users. lol

It always kills me to see a player who spent his whole career with one club traded or not signed in the twilight of his career and seeing him in a different sweater. (Mike Modano in a Red Wings jersey was a travesty of epic proportions).