It’s not in portrait mode, so at least there’s that.
It’s not in portrait mode, so at least there’s that.
Maybe they just bump down the quality for uploading on YouTube. Double letterbox just means it’s not ingested at the same dimensions as the settings on whatever program they’re using.
How can we get in on the Trump to the Dutch deal?
2 1/2 hours! Shit, now I have a racing interest.
So I upgraded to the new Mac OS with Photos. Now Preview acts like shit. Anyone else had this happen?
okra would like a word with you.
Seems Baltimore hasn’t been a bright spot on the resume recently.
Boneheaded move, but at least she did a real apology and not that “I’m sorry if anyone was offended” bullshit.
Just adding to the chorus of what the everloving fuck is that shit?!?
plus one Christopher Walken.
If ever this image was appropriate:
I went NP because it’s a small truck, and there’s so much potential.
Wouldn’t Jalopnik torture be driving a beige automatic Camry?
Yeah, I caught it on Netflix, but Netflix doesn’t embed. ;)
National Geographic had a show on Arlington National that included some interviews, footage of the guard, and burials as well. Also worth a watch:
That’s an SUV?!?
That stood out to me as well. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen diesel cheaper than unleaded.
I voted CP just because that seems a hella lot for a 20-year-old car with close to 200K miles. What do they think this is, a Subaru?