
Doesn’t Sherlock always top that list?

I get that you need a positive attitude, but as someone who watched a dear friend wither to nothing over 18 months from cancer and then die in a hospice, and had an aunt die of aggressive breast cancer in her 30s, fuck that. It’s awful, and shit to watch someone go through. To say it’s “no biggie” is just ludicrous.

To be fair, this is not a brown diesel manual miata wagon. :D

“Then again I oddly enjoy driving around in my Odyssey so, I don’t really have room to talk.”

I seem to remember the Saab community being mentioned as one of the best car communities as an Answer of the Day a while back.

I didn’t even read through the whole Graverobber description before clicking the NP on this one.

Fuckers would not give me a streaming option! I hate you DEADSPIN. YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!

“As is the case with most elected officials, staff have access to and are responsible for social media updates for their principal. Mistakes like this happen and are taken seriously. We extend our apologies to Susan.”

How about this: Not letting staffers handle your Twitter account? It’s not implausible, and certainly not as guaranteed for a clusterfuck as this kind of amateur hour stuff.

This may have been part of their LBGTQ outreach program. /s

Can’t or shouldn’t?

I think the most important question at this time of night is “Where can we stream Magary on ‘Chopped’”?

I’ve read enough people whinging about the center console ignition and other stuff, I guess. I liked it, personally, after I got over the quirks.

I didn’t wade through ALL 370 plus comments, but I’m amazed this hasn’t cropped up, given how much grief Saab fans get.

Obligatory "Hold my beer and watch this" reference.

Not far down the road from the "original" Burger King.


Given the fact that the NYT employs a columnist who gets tips about the future from cab drivers, I am not surprised at all.

They sell GUNS in Wal-Mart. They sell movies that are more violent than that book could possibly be. FFS Wal-Mart!

And then there’s winter on the lake shore ...