A toolkit straight from the USSR? Neat. Did it include a hammer and sickle?
Only tangentially related, but I'm curious how twin-clutch transmissions fare in street driving while using it as a manual. I know that these things are tons of fun to use on a track, but trying to use manual mode in normal driving has to be a whole different animal.
Did you just put in HID bulbs in a standard halogen light or did you get headlights designed for HID bulbs? If it's the former, then all you're doing is blinding people with no visibility benefit for you.
I once saw a Ferrari 308 at a gas station with something like that tacked on, but it looked even worse with more lights clustered together in a bright blue hue. Pininfarina spends years and millions of lire on designing it, and he thought he could improve on it with some $20 crap from AutoZone.
Same thing with HID headlights (although that's mostly due to them being white or blue). Is the current consensus on automotive lighting to blind everyone for the sake of visibility? How ironic.
As did everyone else involved with this... this... well, there is no other word to describe it but "car".
But, but, but, they have SOCIALIZED medicine! Clearly they are only one step away from nationalization of industry, and then collectivizing agriculture. Why do you think 2/3 of their flag is red?
One of the features I've always enjoyed when they appeared were the articles covering new technologies. Will you have more of these in the future? And if you're going to be less consumer-oriented, does this mean that you will review some of the more interesting cars for foreign markets- for example, the Citroen…
The touchscreen interface could potentially be a pain in the ass if it replaces too many tangible buttons, the square exhaust outlets and taillights look swiped from an AMG E-Class, the lovely, expensive Ferrari engine is now hidden by a cheap piece of plastic (although that is easily rectified), and it has a…
I have a simple solution for your friend. Tell him to go around to dealerships and test drive some economy cars, particularly ones with automatics (although that may be all he knows how to drive anyway). The experience will redefine slow for him. Or since he has the means to buy a Maserati, he can probably take it…
I wonder what kind of weight advantage the (presumably flywheel-based) KERS system will give the F70 versus the 918. It also raises the question of why Porsche went with batteries on the street 918 if Ferrari can use a flywheel system on their roadgoing F70.
These aren't in order, but my five would have to be
I'm actually wondering how my advice will go over. My stepsister totaled her Corolla... again, and I gave her some cars that I thought would fit her needs and price well, stuff like the Altima, Sentra, Accord, Protege, 626, or a Focus, all from the late 90's-mid '00s. I'm wondering how it will all go over. My…
Most people don't know any Ferraris by name besides the Testarossa and the Enzo anyway, so you could go with almost any Ferrari and they wouldn't know what the hell it is besides a Ferrari.
Yeah, maybe, but you can imagine there wouldn't be much of a market for a four-cylinder French spaceship in the US then.
I know who Helmut Kohl is, but I can't say I've ever seen a picture of the man before. Same goes for Akihito. Besides, I can't say most people my age would know who he is. Hell, it was only until college that I was able to take any history course besides US history. Of course, the state I'm in isn't known for good…