
When he was still doing Monica Lewinsky jokes?

My wish was that he’d essentially rebel against both of them by being into black magic and the occult.
Nobody listened to me, though.

They did put out a Christmas 7" with “O Tanenbaum” and an original called “Christmas Cards.”  I bet they’ve done more Xmas music since then, but I kinda stopped following their career around the turn of the century.

As long as he doesn’t bring down Orville Peck with him, I’m OK with this.

You can’t fool me, that’s a picture of Colin Farrell in his Penguin makeup.

I don’t know what the big deal about Time’s Person of the Year is.
I won it in 2006.

It’s the most logical place to go.  Barbie got herself figured out in the end, but Ken was last seen going off on his own vision quest.

Or Scarlett Johanssen if you want to get more contemporary.

Looks like they’re discovering another rule of slasher movies - the mask is the real star.

I’m guessing it comes from here:

Not good looking enough for the Chinese government.

We’re a corn nog household for life.

The world needs Dave Attell now more than ever.

Ezekial Sims is an old guy who got spider powers via a spider totem. I dunno, I thought that story was dumb, I don’t know much about it.
His costume and burning-hand powers look more like rogue Spider-Man clone Kaine, though.

A 21 year old girl thinks maybe she kinda finds other girls hot - news on this shocking story as it develops!

The newest Halloween trilogy, too.

The UB40 and Will To Power tracks were massive hits, like ‘em or not.

I find Disturbed’s version moronic, but that’s still a worthwhile take.

Yeah, but at least that one is kinda tongue-in-cheek.
He did a version of Cry Little Sister from the Lost Boys soundtrack a few years ago, and it’s unlistenable.  It almost sounds better when Feldman does it.