
That was the war against the evil kingdom of Angmar, ruled by the Nazgul Witch King.  It’s about 1300 years after this show, but I don’t know how much that matters since they pretty much bunched up the whole second half of the Second Age together.

Born with his heart on the outside!
It’s a crazy world.

So go tour with Goat Boy and be done with it.

I wish someone had said this earlier.
No drug dealers on the set sounds like a great opportunity.

They tried that.
It was called Galavant, and nobody watched it.

The dwarf beards look... unfortunate...

It’s in War of the Jewels. Dwarf women are not only bearded, they’re completely indistinguishable from dwarf men.

Apparently, her close friends call her “Miss Flo”.

I like how Harris coming out of the closet made the character even funnier in the sequels.
“I thought you were gay?”
“I am gay - gay for that pussy!”

Charlie Sheen’s moment in that film if nothing else.

Sounds like a total wankfest.

Probably not.
But that’s OK. That’s what people around here are into. Maybe there are forums somewhere of rom-com fans, angry that some film starring Lauren Graham and David Boreanaz is shelved, and they don’t care about Batgirl.

That terrible Wonder Woman TV pilot got leaked eventually, as did Corman’s FF and the Captain America with the rubber ears. This probably will too.

We just need to see The Day The Clown Cried and complete episodes of Turn On.

You didn’t ask about “Holiday Road”?
For shame!

He’s a genie?

So where does King Kong Bundy fit into all this?

Will Smith doesn’t have to cuss to sell records.
But FN Meka do.  So fuck him and fuck you too.

He learned it from watching you, Dad.

I usually hate fan-fic ideas, but I can see this working.
Now, how are you going to force Chang into this story?

Maybe this will explain why he didn’t make his reservation.