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    So where can we go for a refund if we paid for this? I know that Apple refunded apps they pulled from the App Store, so I'm wondering if Google does the same with Market apps.

    Same here. Why trust the security of your server to something as weak as a password?

    Supposedly the SSD is, but after running the patch, my MacBook failed to POST, let alone boot. Blank black screen, no chime, not even an SMC reset helps. Hopefully I can RMA this thing...

    Heh. Our school is the exact opposite. Our school contract, that is mandatory if you want to take any of your classes that Uncle Sam mandates, states that you agree NOT to receive due process, you are guilty until proven innocent, and you have no right to any personal accounts that MAY contain information relevant to

    I just saved all of my Cain ammo for the Praetorian fights. One nuke to the face, and it's done.

    So what were BGA processors like?

    In a lot of cases, testing really means "we're not really ready to release this yet because our configs are still only half-complete".

    If I remember correctly, Kayla was one of the hackers that took down HBgary.

    Or did we just break the laws of physics? Stranger things have happened...

    So when your bank gets robbed because the guards forgot to lock the door, the blame lies only with the robber, right?

    It should be pretty much assumed that any large-scale webserver will be under attack at any given moment. And honestly, once the DDoS by Anonymous began, that should have served as a notice to do a comprehensive audit of security to make sure this can't happen.

    How much can it possibly cost to print out a new sticker?

    Isn't that just a facade to prevent them from getting taken down by RICO?

    Honestly, stuff like that isn't something you get over easily. Yeah. Sorry about suing you for a few million dollars. How about a settlement?

    They must have eyes of steel then. My eyes start hurting within minutes of sitting in front of a CRT, unless it's my crazy 240Hz 2048x1536 Sony Trinitron that I picked up at a yard sale for $50.

    I think he means good as in beneficial, not good as in never gets caught.

    Planetbeing would be one of them. He brought Android to the iPhone, and he jailbroke iOS for a while too.

    Use a soda bottle filled with gravel. Feel free to throw in a second one if need be.

    This is the same Grooveshark that forwards DMCA complaints to the users for listening to their music uploaded to the "personal" section of the website according to company instructions, right?

    Or you could use steganography to hide your doomsday plans inside your video collection that is of a classified nature.