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    @pixelsnader: Eeeeeeeew.... That's... hideous. Even this is better looking:

    To anyone complaining about how dangerous this is: Our government was given the option to flag this as dangerous, and they declined. As such, it's fair game.

    @Dave Harris: If you approach it like you'd approach a security flaw in a piece of software, this makes perfect sense. If we've been getting by on security through obscurity now, we deserve to be bombed. And honestly, if our information is this badly secured, we deserve to have it leaked. The only thing that this has

    Don't tread on me—Getting run over hurts...

    @ahkenatan: BootCamp adds read-only HFS drivers to Windows 7 if you're dual-booting.

    @ImSpartacus: Then get an Air! The specs are almost identical, but it's lighter and has the nice screen. (It's not anti-glare, but having used it in direct sunlight, there's almost no glare.)

    @minibeardeath: It's $900 if you're a student. I'd also keep in mind that the Air only launched a few weeks ago, and it's past college-laptop buying season.

    Anyone see a good deal on Civilization V? Amazon had it for $40, but I'd like to know if there's lower.

    @EvanSei the noise is strong with this one: I'd spend the extra money and get a 13" air (4GB of RAM) instead of the 13" Pro. I got one a week ago, and it's screaming fast. That, and you're not dealing with that damn slot-loading drive that always fails within 2 years.

    @GunFishin: I've had terrible luck with ASUS hardware. Two bad motherboards and a GPU tend to scare you away from the brand.

    @Zombie16[THC]: Well, in a warped way, nuclear war creates world peace.

    @sereal: That's another 3 weeks...

    No independents?

    @reuniteireland: It doesn't run on low end PC though... It's java based...

    @pixelsnader: I'd say Notch needs to hire this guy. I'd love to see Minecraft ditch its Java codebase and move to a renderer that doesn't suck.