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    @Koda89: Don't buy the games at all, and don't pirate them. That'll just encourage them. There are plenty of other fish out there.

    @Vecha: Ravenholm wasn't the only scary area. The area in HL1 after the stalker train was a bit creepy. Though I do agree. It needs more stuff that actually scares you.

    @Proccor: This was originally made for "pirated" music.

    @penhalion: I see it now: He's going to yell PILLS HERE! And then get killed by a tank breaking through the wall.

    @unfakingbelievable: This was more of me being sarcastic. I am wondering if this person is trolling though. I have no issue with someone tearing apart an idiot's argument.

    @bansama: But for those of us who have, it's a nightmare. SecuROM doesn't work with my bluray drive for whatever reason (disc checks fail every time), so I need to crack secuROM laced game I buy on disc. It's ridiculous.

    Awesome move. This game went from being on my blacklist to, I'll buy when I have money.

    Any news on when the PC port of this is coming out?

    @sean000: For that matter, dual boot. I'm doing that on my netbook, and it works great.

    @ibeeis: You're guaranteed to kill some, but eventually, you'll die of old age, the roaches will eat your corpse, and will be stronger than when you began.

    @Kevin Hix: That, and the bitrates rarely go above 128k. I even found one 64k track in last year's.

    @ManekiNeko: The point being though, they can get a much better storage density than what they have now. Most games are stuck getting shoved into a 128 or 256 MB space. They could fit more audio, levels, etc. into something without these storage restrictions.

    @ManekiNeko: That's the part that always annoyed me with the DS. Devs. have to use oversize cartridges if they want storage. Why can't Nintendo just use write only, proprietary filesystem microSD cards.

    @cfive3: Have you joined the church of the beancube yet?

    @Wizard: Is it okay to use the term in the comic's context?

    @deanbmmv: I was talking about the 1984 pics.

    @PiperAtTheGates: From what I heard, the reason they stopped updating the Xbox games was because of memory constraints. They've only got 512 MB to work with.