
How did the meringue turn out?

How hard is it to understand “If you have a valid version of 7 or 8, running or not, then you get 10 free.”?

I’m on an 8.3 Mini also, and I haven’t had any crashes at all. I do get the health bar bug, but its usually just one or two dwellers, and I can deal with that until I shut down. If the app has had to relaunch the next time I open it, the bug will have cleared.

I have 4 guys that are all leveled up (almost) to the max in everything, and they hang out in the radio station. They are the studs. They are all in PJs, one as the Pope. Any female not born of the Pope is named with a (hot) celebrity name, and all non-Pope descendent boys keep their birth name. Girls born to the Pope

(my terribly rude reply went to the wrong person)

The guy had a history of mental illness and they still gave him a car and license? They should abolish cars!

Protection from what?

Note: Robocop’s “armor” was thin vacuformed plastic. That would “protect” him from air-soft bb’s, same as normal clothes, cosplay foam costumes, or 3D printed costumes.

Most of what you see in films is very non-functional.

klmekaro reminds me of the kid in jr high that swore up and down that the Keaton Batmobile actually went 300mph and had 1500hp, in real life, because he read it on a McDonalds collectible cup.

Great points. And just to be clear, no one was “shamed”. They merely shared their opinion during a discussion. I was not offended (I’m not even a toy user, but see no problem with it), but certainly enjoy pointing out and discouraging double standards.

I don’t know that they are “wrong”. They think it’s gross; I don’t know that that opposite is “right”. It’s a pretty subjective issue. I agree about the silly double standard, though. It’s not the first and won’t be the last double standard they throw at me.

What about the fleshlights that are not at all anatomical - like, just a plain hole instead of a fake vag/butt?

Safe to say this Sara can go.... fuck herself?

It’s a topic I don’t generally discuss with my male friends, but the one time it has come up, we briefly determined the fleshlight looks interesting but neither of us had plans on getting one anytime soon. We quickly moved on to less masturbatory topics.

The best I could get out of them is along the lines of “guys aren’t supposed to use toys”. When I point out the similarity to female toy use and the double standard, they agree, but they still say “yeah, but that’s gross”. And I’m only talking about a sample size of about 3 GFs and 3 female friends, but the reaction

Wow, I’m late on this post, but this has been my longest used brush brand/model. I’ve had every manner of expensive electric over the years and don’t like them. A friend called this “just a cheap electric brush”, and my correction was “it’s a better traditional brush”. You get the agitation action, but it’s far more

Wow, I’m late on this post, but this has been my longest used brush brand/model. I’ve had every manner of expensive

Vanessa, I’ve had a lot of GFs and female friends, that are pro vibrator/dildo, say they think fleshlights are gross and creepy. I imagine they’d say similar about this. What have you found to be the popular opinion with your female friends? (And to be clear, it’s even just the existence of them that they find gross

Chevy LUV had this e-brake as well. Must have been a 70s mini-truck thing.

Holy crap, you’ve gotten some great stuff. That minigun! I just get tons of crap pistols and a couple 10-ish power rifles. And my armor/outfits stink too.

But like you, I can’t stop playing. I’ve found myself scheduling my work around in game tasks/goals today.

Upgrade or add living quarters. I went half the day today womdering why my babies were clinging to the womb, and it turned out I misundertood the living quarters number. (I thought each room was enough for 40 peeps, for 80 total for my two rooms, turns out it was 40 total.)

It would be a draw or a win for Russia - America doesn’t fight to win anymore.