
I have a couple large toolboxes in the garage that I keep the majority of my handtools in, and then some large storage boxes separated by tasks - plumbing, painting, drywall, electrical. Finally, I have two sizes of tool bags standing by, both with basic electrical connectors, tapes, screws, nails, drill bit kits, and

There is also great wisdom and great courage in knowing when you should quit.

Wow - he lasted a whole year before he almost quit? Try 5, 10, or 15, and then say “don’t quit - success is just around the corner.” Sometimes you need to accept that it isn’t.

I had my 70 Camaro apart for about 6 months as I slowly gathered the money, with my meager 20yo income, to rebuild the engine. Finish the rebuild, it fires right up, and I take it around the block for a slow test drive. 2 legs the the drive were in heavy L.A. traffic, I make the turn back on to the side street, gun it

Maybe, but I’m done. I just don’t get pleasure from it. I tried so many that I should have liked at least one.

I’m not a whiskey (American) or scotch drinker, and spent a year trying to turn myself into one in order to feel fancier about my beverage drinking. I bought both bottles for a my home bar, as well as individual drinks while out at other bars, at all price points. To me, it all tastes like fire. My last glass of

Strictly speaking, it’s true.

We’re over $4 in L.A. (for regular. I hate it when people point to supreme as how high prices are)

“the extra spending that the lower gas prices were supposed to initiate just never happened in the first place.”

There is nothing about this that I understand.

“hey, I’m not for you and you’re not for me, and that’s ok.
...and I just don’t see the point pursuing people that height is important to.”

Absolutely. I completely agree. My biggest issue is the double standard. Yes, I think it’s insane that most women insist on an arbitrary physical stat, what bothers me the most is

Guys have yoga poses? If a guy has a yoga picture, he has put it up as a means to fuck you.
I am all for you have a yoga pic if you can rock the yoga pants.

I think guys post their height because the absolute first thing women text when you match is “How tall are you.” Fuck you very much.

The majority of girls have

“I would rather know sooner than later that you’re harboring a secret desire for me to pee in your mouth so we don’t waste our time.”

Woah. We are at very different places in the dating multiverse.

Regarding “nonsense rules”, yes your examples count, but I was actually thinking more along the lines of “I will only date

“...what is your point?”

This right here:
“but I think anyone who puts something in regards to weight or height are both similarly assholes.”

Short guys lie about their height precisely because it is such an issue. The women aren’t upset they were “lied to”, they are upset that the guy isn’t actually tall.

“Duped into 1st dates with short dudes”

Oh noes! That sounds almost as bad as being duped into a first date with a fat chick.

I got over this when I was about 7. I was very embarrassed to go to a specific discount store in our town because I was afraid kids from school would see me in there. My mom pointed out that anyone that sees me in there would be in there as well, so what’s the problem. That solved that issue pretty quickly.

As a male your approximate age, my suggestion is to put the deal-breakers on a backburner and learn to give people a chance, and you may find your “hard deal-breakers” aren’t all that important.

Start with “not physically repulsive; a polite, good person; a good conversationalist; and fun” instead of a laundry list of

...but what else should they call it?
...if someone talks about weight, and they’re nice about it, no one should have a problem with that (I’m sure some people still will, but they shouldn’t).

This is the thing - no matter how it’s said, it’s taken the same way. “No fatties.”, “No fat chicks!”, “No big girls”, “No large

It’s funny, I’m 5’7/8 (I haven’t measured in decades, so I just go with “short”) and in shape, and my best friend is 6’4” and solid muscle. We go to Vegas several times a year and while he gets all the attention up front, I end up fairing better than he does at the end of the night after we’re all sitting and we’re

I mentioned this above - I’m a pro photographer and have set up shoots for friends with staged social situations to get the most flattering “candid” photos for some friends. There are some people that just always have derp-face in real candids (myself included), that staged shots work better. But to be clear, these

Exactly. Everything you said. I don’t begrudge people having preferences - we all do - it’s just the double standard, as well as pretending that one person’s preferences are more noble than another’s. It’s “shallow” to want someone pretty, but “noble” to want someone smart - so, what, all the pretty but dumb people

I haven’t seen it mentioned, but I wanted to touch on the kids thing.

About 25% of the profiles where the woman has a kid, she’ll say something along the lines of “Yes that’s my kid. If you can’t handle a mom, then swipe left.”

Just my perspective: I’m not looking for someone with a kid, but it, in and of itself, is not