
Drag racing looks every bit as easy as Olympic figure skating and microvascular surgery.

"Hey guys... here are some great tips on how to properly prepare the concrete to get the best results."

-Not This Article

In LA, they filter to the front, then pull in front of the car (instead of staying to the side) and then lollygag and take about 5-10 seconds after the light changes before they start moving.

(It's only included because Gawker. If it were a public college, "local public university" would not have been stated.)

The customer, a young, earnest, and rather mechanically-clueless grad student from the nearby religious-affiliated university, parks it and says it's been running rough, maybe it needs a tune-up? He'd been taking it to his hometown Honda dealer for maintenance, but now that it was out of warranty, one of his neighbors

Thanks for this article. I was in Best Buy today specifically to buy one, and this was the exact question I had - how well do they track sleep. THANKS! (I went for the Withings Pop that I was hoping would full released by now.

How can you have a paragraph describing that Firebird without mentioning at all that it's a Formula Firehawk? If it were merely a Formula, it should be mentioned.

I can't even imagine why you think that I think they have never arrested street racers. Are you reading my comments?

CA and LA are teetering on bankruptcy, not because of poor fine revenue, but because of mismanagement. And it's money issues are precisely the reason the LEAs are pressured to bring in revenue. It's not hard to follow the money here.

PREVENT crime. PREVENT it. Don't just focus on PROSECUTING.

I can't imagine why you are against crime prevention.

1) Correct, because tickets per hour trumps actually protecting and serving.

2) I've covered this already - there are only a handful of sites in the Valley to race. Easily coverable, IF your goal is to save lives.

3) So let them race, let them kill people, then get a big fancy revenue stream of racer/murderer arrests.


Or stop it and save lives.

Or just spend money on night cameras, and collect fines later. Like good police.

I see you don't read other comments. It's not a waste of resources , unless you only measure that by tickets written as opposed to lives saved.

As for speed traps, again, it's an issue of bullshit fine collection vs keeping the public safe. You seem to want a police force that merely collects funds, I would prefer one

There are a limited number of side streets that are wide enough and long enough.

There is a reason these are still the 5 go-to places to race - there aren't too many places to go.

lol... I never noticed before that this strip is right in front of Juvy. Fitting.

A street racing strip right in front of a correctional institution, and they still can't manage to stop it.

You are absolutely correct. It's a colossal waste of resources because there is no financial return on saving and protecting life. They can sit the resources in street driveways all day because of bullshit traffic fines.

You are not helping your case.

"Those spectators chose to go watch cars illegally fly down the road

"Plus, if you just have cop cars sitting around, no one is going to break the law, which means how are you going to judge your progress?"

You mean crime will be prevented? Mission accomplished, right? But you rightfully point out that they need to let crime happen. That is what I take issue with.