Interesting perspective but as a black woman, I could not help but wonder if your "nuanced" perspective is due (at least in part) to your having a white mother, and thus, feeling more compassion/somewhat relating to curious white people in general.
Interesting perspective but as a black woman, I could not help but wonder if your "nuanced" perspective is due (at least in part) to your having a white mother, and thus, feeling more compassion/somewhat relating to curious white people in general.
I hear people use the word "exotic" or "exoticized." I want to hear about other people's perspective but how do you do that without exoticizing someone? I always felt that saying something like, "Hi, can you tell me about being black?" is unacceptable.
Oh great. I forgot that's what The Cosby's taught me as a kid, Brooklyn is completely white and gentrified. As a brown, queer woman, I love getting stared at awkwardly from trust fund hipsters lest I pass into Williamsburg who act like Brooklyn isn't supposed to be brown and full of various cultures. Fuckin fantastic.…
Most people don't hate SATC the TV show, and agree with you on many counts- it's the movies that ruined everything (any by everything I mean good memories of a decent, groundbreaking TV show).
Aw yeah.
The only Brooklyn girl that mattered.
What Jenny McCarthy's minions might look like...
Elizabeth is so painful to watch. She just sits there and embarrasses herself for an hour every single day.
The View already has one blonde, babbling idiot too many. (hint: it's not Babs).
Between Sherri Shepherd's views on the earth being flat and Elisabeth Hasselbeck being an all-around troll moron, if Jenny McCarthy joins, this will literally be the biggest joke TV show out there. Come on, are these really the most interesting women out there? What an embarrassment.
If she joined the show, I would boycott it. Her position on autism has led to a rise in child mortality. There's really nothing to joke about- I find her a reprehensible human being.
My own theory about the recent history of pubic hair removal in the US is that only porn stars did it in the mid-20th century through about the 80s (and it was airbrushed out of still porno pictures). In the 60s and 70s, people went au naturel. Then in the 80s, the advent of higher and higher cut legs on swimsuits and…
Good bloody riddance— have you ever had crabs? Nasty little buggers, then you have to spend ages cleaning and washing everything, multiple times. Nightmare. (I had to shave EVERYTHING to get rid of them, but the humiliation of calling my then fwb to tell him that I had them.... priceless.)
I bought a trimmer for pubic hair and when I was paying for it the sales assistant said "you don't need this".
Surely the "landing strip" was common before SATC? Or did I consume too much porn in my 20s?
I have a pathetic, sorry looking excuse for a bush - all tufts and no substance. Not that I give a shit, neither does my husband. Why must women endure itchy, spotty, bald fannies to please men? What, are they scared of looking at a grown woman's bush?
I'm a huge fan of shaved. I keep mine well-groomed so I kind of expect others to do the same.
I'm pretty sure men who have pedophilic desires aren't fucking adult women and finding a lack of pubic hair really helpful. Breasts, hips, monthly period, all that. The number of men who like it shaved is much higher than the number of men who have pedo desires, and men don't list these desires as a reason they prefer…
Personally, I keep myself completely bare. (Apologies in advance for TMI) I have very sensitive labia and prefer stimulation around the 'gina and not necessarily directly on the clitoris. As such, I personally get better sensation, and it seems more polite. If I want oral contact on labia, then I keep my labia clean…
If I'm going down on a guy, it's best if he trims. If he's going down on me, I KNOW it makes it easier for him/better for me if I trim, too. Just wash it in the morning like a normal person. Clean. That's it.