
Maybe they're trying to not-so-subtly suggest what I have been saying since Mad Men's beginning - that she hit the acting lottery by scoring a role that is essentially her own personality, because she can't act worth a damn. That said, this is a super nasty profile, I agree. (TO THE OFFENDED HATERS I AM

My reaction to Grandma Ida was very similar. I think I may have said, "Seriously, Weiner?" out loud. I kept watching, but I cringed. And then I got distracted by the laughter brought on from Bobby's "Are we Negroes?" line, & then a bunch of reviews referred to her as Mrs. Butterworth/Aunt Jemima, & I cringed again.

Now playing

And the stereotypical behaviour abounds. Well, I sho nuff found one of those gatherings you talked about with your friends.

I thought the same thing. But I turned off the show when I saw the thief "mammy" come into the show. Ugh it's like 2 steps forward two steps back.

Welp, talking about it made me look it up, and it is still just as hilarious as it was the first time:

I feel like I missed an opportunity by not adding one of these:

Oh, it's definitely been a gradual & SDCP-specific realization. I kind of adore how she started out pleasant, assertive, & cautiously timid, and is now morphing into an understated confidence that makes her a less mouthy version of Joan.

You got told, and it was awesome.

I love the response re: vernacular.

Oh, get off it. I am an articulate, highly educated black woman, possessed of a vocabulary that impresses even my more erudite friends, & this is my go-to phrase anytime I see white folks be acting crazy. Indeed, when I utter it to one my similarly educated black friends, their response is more than likely to be, "Sho

Yes. Because the official language of all black people's inner monologue is jive.

The actress who plays Dawn was incredible this week. She had very few lines, but her presence was very there.

Dawn's repeated "white folk be crazy, yo" expressions were the awesomemest, most grounding element of this insane episode.

Honestly, who are the people who actually buy Kardashian products? Am I alone in getting turned off of an otherwise legitimate product that is promoted by a celebrity? (Case in point: Jessica Simpson shoes)

I think the media is way too liberal in labeling people heroes. Getting shot in the face does not make someone a hero.

I love that the Obamas are somehow being dragged into this visually because of seating arrangements at a Congressional address 4 years ago.

This reminds me of a quote from the movie Jack Reacher (which I just saw yesterday so it's fresh in my mind): “People join the military for one of four reasons. Family trade, patriots, need a job, or a legal means to kill people.”

You do realize that 'teepees' where really only used by the Great Plains tribes and the majority of Native American tribes did not actually use these, right? Regardless, if we're going to worry about cultural appropriation, shouldn't we discuss the fact that chums have a much longer historical reference? So who

Who knew getting your face jacked might affect someone so badly? All it takes is one bad day to push someone over the edge, especially if your're borderline to begin with.