
I'm pretty sure Simmons makes more at ESPN than all of the AVClub writers combined.

Yes, the one where Larry smokes pot. That's a great one.

Best Curb episodes?
Best Curb episodes!
Off the top of my head:
1. Crazy Eyez Killa
2. Larry's mom dies
3. Seinfeld reunion/season finale
4. Larry puts Shaq in the hospital
5. Palestinian chicken
And, even though it's not one of the greatest, I have a soft spot for the episode where Larry goes to a dinner party at the porn

I disagree. At this point, Family Guy is good for one or two laughs in a GOOD episode. South Park is good for a few laughs even in a bad episode (with a few exceptions - in 18 seasons, there have been a few utter clunkers). But, of the two, only South Park has the ability to be transcedently good.

Yeah, but they do an admirable job of tying those two things together.

But . . . Dredd sucked. No?

More ambitious than Dogma?

Shit on Nantz & Simms all you want but Gruden is the worst, the absolute worst.

Oh, man - I used to spend a lot of time on The Gang Green message board and aybzmul is indeed one of the better/funnier commenters on it. Worlds colliding here . . .

I dunno . . . I feel like the show never got funnier than the first episode where Tim gets caught with the hooker.

Not much talk of the actual episode here but, as good as this show is, it never reached the heights of the first episode again.

That movie where he and Julia Roberts are corporate spies was also pretty good.

But, otherwise, I agree - Soderbergh is very underrated. Great visual director.

1. Kill Bill: Vol. 2
2. Kill Bill: Vol. 1
3. Inglourious Basterds
4. Reservoir Dogs
5. Pulp Fiction
6. Death Proof
7. Django Unchained
8. Jackie Brown


And Crazy, Stupid Love sucked too.

Is there any doubt that the first episode of the sixth season will involve Greendale being under new ownership?

Umm . . . yeah.
This movie sucks.

The fact that it's taking so long must mean that O'Neal is either up to something epic or is struggling to find a new way to mock The Beef.

Role Models > Wanderlust