
In a show full of 10's, that skit was a masterpiece. Like, will be remembered alongside the best of Monty Python.

You took all of that information and boiled it down to a “contest”, while claiming that “The last 7 or 8 violent attacks committed by Black men haven’t disappeared.”....... GET ALL THE WAY FUCK OUTTA HERE. The one with the alleged HOMELESS man who attacked an elderly Asian person is mad suspect. Dude is HOMELESS,

Or a Colonel who was found brained with a candlestick in the living room.

I don’t like how all these apology statements talk about how the person may have “hurt” other people and other communities. When minorities are angry, we are not angry because we are victims, like we are weak people to are slighted by the smallest breeze. We are angry because you disrespected us. You signaled that you

I can’t advocate murder, but I can advocate a good ol’ fashioned, Batman-styled justice beating for being an absolute, unrelenting prick.

Sounds like someone needs their neighbor to beat the shit out of them again...

Good. I hope everybody that was in any way a victim sues the fuck out of all of them.

I pretty much had to stop listening to NPR by April of 2020, it was that or constantly screaming “ALEXA STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!”. I’ve gone back to having it as my alarm in the morning since January 20th, and yesterday when they were playing clips of his January 6th treason rousing speech I was back to yelling at

Firsthand experience speaks volumes. And your terrible experience with them also doesn’t surprise me one bit. Power and incompetence seem to go hand in hand.

Easy to get all these republican whackjobs confused!!!  The one from Georgia is equally bad.

She’s from Colorado.  Rifle of all places.

Cyberpunk isn’t a new IP

“Molon Labe” is ancient Greek and basically means “come and take them.” It’s been adopted by 2A/alt-right fetishists that fantasize about the government/liberals/whomever trying to take away their guns. The quote supposedly originated with Spartan king Leonidas when his “300" were under siege by Xerxes and the

Anybody who takes Andrew Yang seriously needs to keep their political opinions to themselves. He’s a libertarian grifter who caters to the left instead of the right, likely because the conservative market is so saturated.

I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.

They could have not done that. They could have kicked her off, made rules just for her account, etc. They chose to collectively punish everyone.

Fuck the CCP

This brings something to mind. There’s no such thing as a racist dog - just a dog with racist owner/handlers. Dogs pick up on cues from their humans that we ourselves would miss, that we think we’re keeping concealed. In this case of course the dog was explicitly ordered - which just comes back to the fact that the