
Hey look is a moronic traitor loving drumphead that’s on here. Go F yourself traitor apologist. You’re “both side” comments as usual are BS, poorly thought out, and completely wrong.

Sure it had good viewing numbers, but if you thing bigeneration is a good thing, good lord.

Bigeneration is the dumbest thing RTD has done since the degeneration.

Beyond nostalgia - the Lynch version is and always will be dogshit.

If you don’t know what happens - then how would you know any of that were “spoilers?” You mentioning that now makes those aware. I’d say you are the spoiler and not the trailer.

LOTR is a bore.  Villeneuve really brought Dune to the general public in a big way.

Jenda. Life doesn’t revolve around Marvel. Shit reviews are shit reviews and this movie is dogshit

Really?  50% on RT?  Postive?  Not really dude. Like at all.

No, it just sounds like you’re coping with the shit reviews The Marvels and MCU as a whole lately have been getting.

I will never understand this purchase.  IMHO, all this does makes an already bloated company (MS) even more bloated.  MS would have better spent those billions of $$ on internal development.

No, it was dogshit.  A bland ABC Marvel show through and through.

Right. I missed it. Not sorry though. Looks like I should have skipped this stupid article, Murry. Write something that actually informs rather discussing bar scanning so maybe next time I won’t be so bored and stop reading further. 

Baloney - if you have more than 20 items  you are slowing everyone down if you use the self- checkout.  Don’t delude yourself thinking your faster than the actual “professional.”

There’s only one rule: if you have more than 20 items do not use the self checkout line.  Period.  I don’t care how fast you think you are - you will never outpace a regular checkout person.  Don’t even think you can.  Stop it.

Folks - just leave Twitter, I mean X. I did the moment Elon took over, and it was such a wonderful decision.

I enjoy horror, but I’m with you - the level on here is a bit too much for me.  That said, amongst the films listed - I would recommend Old Boy, and agree with the writer on it’s “masterpiece status.”  Highly recommend.

Compared to the list presented, A Clockwork Orange is Bambi.

Stop trying to escape responsibility and blaming it on someone else. These folks caused the problem. Not the police. Get it through your 2 year old tiny brain.

Grow the fuck up. The situation there didn’t spur any “police brutality.” Police didn’t get involved until the riots started.

1. Where’s the Police brutality?