Tom, why don’t you talk about your cultish organization who’s known to be involved in human trafficking? Why are you such a POS?
Tom, why don’t you talk about your cultish organization who’s known to be involved in human trafficking? Why are you such a POS?
Again. Doctor Who did this before and did it better. See 3rd doctor era.
I’ve been trying to enjoy this, but as I’ve stated before: what a bore; and Doctor Who has done this already and a whole lot better (3rd doctor era). Watch that instead.
Dream was 20 when she was 17. Come on dude. Really?
Kanye? Is that you? Go home. You’re drunk.
They’re all shit. Fake mission impossible BS masquerading as Tom Cruise’s dream to be James Bond. Never forget that Cruise is a cult leader (#2 in Scientology) that’s heavily involved in human trafficking. Fuck cruise, fuck his shit films
What a fucker - good lord.
Yup, and did it better than MCU there as well.
Skip this POS show and watch the better version: Doctor Who - 3rd Doctor era. The Doctor did the same plotline just a whole lot better.
Fuck Tom Cruise and his fake Mission Impossible and being #2 in Scientology. The simping on him and his shit films are just disgusting. Fuck Tom cruise
Same movie? What a strange thing to say.
Or maybe folks should stop giving a shit about unnecessary drama that you as an individual have no game in.
Or I can do what I want - stop telling folks what to do. Especially on a pointless article like this one.
Again, still a shit reason for pointless bullshit.
Lynch’s film is crap - even though I enjoy it for what it is. The internal monologging alone should tell you that it’s a shit film. Considering you thought Villenevue’s not good - says everything about needing every detail spelled out for you spoon fed for you.
Cannot wait for Part 2 - definitely my most anticipate film for 2023.
Never forget Ron: #thighland
Score is good, the film is crap.
Again, who cares? If it’s a shit movie - it’s a shit movie, honestly don’t know why this article even needed to be made.