
Elon Musk is a Steve Jobs wannabe. 

It’s because it isn’t Disney/Marvel/Star Wars. That’s why. 

It’s insanely disgusting that the GQP is using this mass shooting as an example get rid of public education.  Absolutely disgusting.

> Elden Ring ranked 20th. Ahead of it were games like... Skyrim.

Debatable. Tesla is a hugely overvalued company that makes shitty EC cars.

Elon Musk is nothing more than a Steve Jobs wannabe. Never invented anything - just got lucky. Likewise, he fits the billionaire MO:

Let’s be more accurate on this. NRA has *ALWAYS* banned guns at their conventions. However, even so - specifically with Drumpf - this is a Secret Service thing.

It’s like two negatives!  We all know he’s doing this white supremacy platform to rile up his base to run for President.  Fuck this facist racist fuck

Fuck these goddamn backwards racist motherf*ckers.

Elon Musk is just a Steve Jobs wannabe

It’s percentage points away from being a Psycho (1998)-esque remake.

I think the mere existence of copyright has broken people’s brains to feel like they need to go to bat for Nintendo

F tom cruise. Gotta love all the miltary loving, Scientology sucking that’s going on for this latest Tom Cruise release.

Explain how they’d get rid of the fillibuster when there aren’t the votes for it?

Actually not first black Doctor. See Jo Martin. 

This should never be a requirement in watching a film. IMHO, this does not bode well for the future of the MCU - as the requirement for each film increases with “homework,” more and more folks won’t give a rats ass.

Gluv, this is a joke post right?

Hey, remember in 2016 when there were a large # of “democrats” and those on the left who decided to vote for Drumpf instead of Hillary?

Hey AVClub, why aren’t we getting regular posts on this show instead of the endless mindless stream of MCU, SNL, Walking Dead, etc shows?

Fair but glad I stuck with it, imho by far the best show on tv.