
As a Who fan, remember those sh*tty “what ifs” with Depp as the Doctor in an American Doctor Who show?

I can’t wait for that fat racist fuck to “leave our country.” However, I would PREFER that he goes away in chains and locked up forever in prison.  Either way, I’ll take it

> It doesn’t have any killer apps and when it does they will be available on PC as well.

Never have. Never will.


What I don’t get it is, how is it that the election is going to be close?

Can’t help this but the main image of this article reminds me of the poop emoji

I think this is more about you not wanting an XBox than actually being confused by the naming convention of it. Because honestly, it ain’t that hard dude.

This isn’t going to end well for the Doyle estate.

Let me guess. You voted stupid last time didn’t you?

I’m not even surprised. But this sure is hilarious.

Overpriced at this day and age, but still the best driving game of ever.

“You’ll Probably Need to Know the Names of These TikTok Teens”

These morons can go fuck themselves. It’s why I don’t bother “reasoning” with these fuckers. There’s no “reasoning” or “debate” with these assholes.

Fuck Drumpf. The biggest fucking hypocrite / projector ever. Fuck him

He’s a republican

Never thought I’d see similar arguments from bro gamers defending their favorite publishers (See Ubisoft).  Fuck off.

Thoughts and prayers

I wonder what % of racists have penis envy?  I’m betting enormously high.

Fuck off Ivanka