
At least they’re doing the only good season of 24, but hope they skip out on the amnesia plotline. Good lord was that sh*t.

Still better than RDR2

To each their own, I may think Origins is the better of the two latest AC games, but I definitely think Odyssey is a better open world game than Red Dead Redemtion 2 ever was. RDR2's highly restrictive mission design, clunky controls all in service to “show off how beautiful this designed world is” made me never want

Congratulations then? I’m sorry that I don’t follow Alton so intimately. ANd yes, I was going by his original method on wet brining. Why? That’s what he’s been known for so long.

You might want to look at the date of my post Anon.

Folks. We all know the truth:

Report: The White House is full of racist motherfuckers.

Perhaps because some of us don’t look at the film as about “cheating.”

But why?  ScarJo and Murray are brilliant as is the setting.  Sorry you hated it.

Embarrasingly bad? To each their own. I love it, and still one of my favorite films in the past 20 years.

Still better than Blizzcon.

After 50+ hours of gameplay, yes my patience for a 2 - 5 sec animation is low.

I wanna know the sales figures when all is said done.

This is a strange post. What does it have to do with the article?

Ahhh, another moron!

This administration has been a complete nightmare, but if there’s one teeny tiny thing I enjoy is watching these two completely despicable assholes bitch at each other.


People are stupid. It’s just like sports teams, etc. I use an iPhone and Mac, but I’m also a heavy Windows and Ubuntu user - and I enjoy (and hate) all of the platforms. I play on PS4, XBox One, and PC - love (and hate) all of them as well.

We all know James Bond is a timelord, so he or she can be played by anyone who fits the role.

To be fair, the Xbox One version has been updated as well.