
Yup Worcestershire is basically composed of fermented anchovies. Also, fish sauce (used in many Asian cuisine: Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese) is produced in a similar way with fermented fish.

With the amount of popcorn I’ve consumed this shitshow week of the RNC, I’m gonna be shitting corn all night long!

How about not judge someone for what they enjoy reading?

Ummm no. I just hold your general disdain towards those who enjoy comics to be rather problemmatic. Don’t you?

People name their kids (good and bad) from many different medias: film, tv, music.

Really? Why is choosing “Cage” so awful?

Judging someone on the car he/she drives says more about person judging that it does about the person who owns the car.

I’ll go with reality.

It’s a formality at this point and you know it. DEAL WITH IT.

It’s over dude. It’s over. The convention at this point is a FORMALITY. You know it. Bernie knows it. Either put up or shut up.

He’s a Dem candidate. He lost. If he wants to continue to run, then he needs to renounce the party he is a candidate for.

He’s a Dem candidate. He lost. If he wants to continue to run, then he needs to renounce the party he is a candidate for.

Can we stop using the “fire in the crowded theater” trope? Why? Because it’s wrong:

Come on y’all the only sequel that really makes sense is the Book of Revelations.

I feel stupid just reading this comment.

That’s got to be Vietnam.

If the devs are true to their word, no more BS boss fights (example: being able to use stealth as a solution).

Baseball games don’t take 3 days to play and watch.

First idiots and morons tried (and still try) to make “liberal” a bad term.

Gertsmann runs (IMO) the best gaming website (GiantBomb). Period. Patrick Klepek comes from GB as well.