
Long shot prediction:

When I see reports like this, I always think that we should get a large # of couples (straight and gay), go to the bar, and all just start flat-out start making out.


LOL! I haven’t seen Donnie Brasco in about 10 years, so you may be right. I’m more than happy to adjust this down to:

*shrugs* I applaud him for doing something he thought was going to be interesting and fun. Who cares if this was a stunt?

No, iOS can autofill. I’m actually not sure what the benefit of this is.

I think the main problem is:

Depp hasn’t been good since Donnie Brasco. He’s a total and complete hack now.

Please tell me this isn’t photoshopped!

One thing is true. Giant bomb podcast called it (can’t remember if it was Bombcast or Beastcast though)

One thing is true... if you want to start a big comment fight on Jezebel, just bring up prostitution.

Being a Shakespeare junkie, I’d have LOVED to have seen your performance.

Yeah no. Go F off.

Riiight. That’s why Forbes and many other business publications called Fiorina:

You know things are bad for Kim Davis when even Fox PUNDITS condemn you:

So... if you caught a half naked woman pick pocketing your wallet, you’d just let her go... right?

I was stupid... debating with someone who had no fucking clue what they were talking about.

I’m even wondering if you even read the link that you sent to me. Btw, I’ve read that whole document before, but did it again just for you (idiot). No where does it say that “mortal sin” is an automatic excommunication. NO WHERE.

No, are you so fucking stupid? You’re not excommunicated the moment you commit mortal sin. Did you even fucking read that “Catholic for Dummies” link? They SPECIFICALLY called out the items that are a) excommunication worth and b) list of items that are automatic excommunication. NOTHING ABOUT MORTAL SIN which is your