
I used

You just provided his 2016 campaign valuable info!

I got called for one of these political phone surveys once, and they asked an either or question which was deliberately leading, and I responded with, "Can you put me down as saying, 'Both of these responses are obviously leading and bullshit?'"

I went with Tronald Dump.

Stop trying to make Last Holiday 2 happen!

Only if it keeps with the tradition of only have 15 killable jabronis for the entire movie.

Dame it. :(

And it was fucking awesome.

Typo ruins joke. Film at 11.

That's kind of what RED was, except less vengeance. She was probably the best parts of those movies.

Salt was straight up FUCKING AWFUL.

I think it's more because moms gets super powers. This is why we don't need to care for single moms, and why they shouldn't get abortions.

It is kinda funny how un-sexy that movie is. There's the one scene of the sister mob boss stripping down, and the one of Keanu.

Those gold coins buy a lot of wheelchair ramps.

Entirely disagree on Ruby Rose. Her parts in the movie were easily the worst. Part of that is probably because her arc is attached to the shitty villain's arc, but other than glower and get beat up, what did she bring to the film? Sign language?

"Look, look. He's a Jew, we all know they're sneaky. But this guy's sneaky even for a Jew!"

I think the intelligence agencies realize how dangerous Trump is to intelligence.

Don't you make me sic FF Woodycocks on you again!

The gym in my apartment complex always has one TV set to Fox.

Enough with the politics!